
So, it has finally happened---I’m an animator!---oh yeah, baby---(shoo-be-do! Just excited as I stayed till the teensy-wee hours of bedtime hours, moving cameras and targets in my 3d city. Although still elemental, and not ready for l.o.t.r. which came out even as my eyes were growing weary in front of the object of my affection (my 19” lcd monitor, of course). Anyhow, waking up was not such a chore this morning, despite the frigid temperatures and dreary greyness outside, as I was so hippity-hoppy with the thought maybe my 40 second movie has finished creating itself…but alas, it was sleepy as well from the 6 hours of rendering…2 more hours, then the computator can rest till arrive to make the final adjustments, only to go through the excruciatingly long process again this evening. Rest well, computator, till tonight we meet again.

Soon I will be an animation god just like Doug Chiag himself. Link over to the mini-quiktime-trailer here: Robota

Awesome...never thought I'd actually use that word...but nonetheless, heavenly awesome.