
can you believe it? i come home, and my body decides to get sick. i've spent practically all day today in bed trying to let it fight itself. thank heavens for mom. being sick at home where mom can cook all kinds of wonderful food is sooo mcuh better than being sick and alone. anyhow, after sleeping most of the day, i've woken up to an empty house. everyone is out doing errands. and here i am still in my pj's wishing badly that iwasn't sick. anyhow, i went to church yesterday and felt mediocre, and then to lunch and the movies with some friends afterwards. but by the time i got home, my body decided to say no more. here i am, with the kleenex box as my new best friend and hating every second of it. anyhow, i have to get better so my entire vacation isn't ruined compeltely. i've had too many of those this past year. i haven't been going to the gym as regularly as i was a few months ago, and have a feeling that's why my immune system is all out of whack. i haven't really been sick for the past 3 years, and all of a sudden it's hitting me all at once. anyhow, it's not as bad as my dear friend in baltimore who called me yesterday to confirm that he wasn't dying. he's been in the hospital now three times in the past 6 months and they were worried it might be leukemia, or hiv....turns out it may be a hernia. he goes in for a cat scan on wednesday so please keep him in your prayers. he is one of the golden people on this earth that has the ability to attract the attention of people, and optimism exudes from his body. something which i am not known for at all. it would be a very sad thing if soemthing were to happen to this boy. i am always saddened when horrible things happen to my friends...even though i know that it is all for good purpose unbeknownst to me. ok....i'm tired of typing. i'm going to go drink another gallon of water and see what movies my brother rented for me to watch. my latvian princess sent me all these wonderful pics of our new york trip....i tried to post mine last week but was having a bugger of a time. don't worry i haven't forgotten to share them....but you will all have to wait till i get back from california now....