
my friends!!! oh, how i wish i could have been there...that would have been the best. i've had those momentary nostalgia flashbacks. and every-once-&-again i get those craving for firestone fries or tonita's taquitos...and of course the warmth and smiles...surrogate brother wrote me a note and a link to see how much i missed. on the one hand i'm so thankful for the digi-cam, that i can feel "almost" as if i were there. and on the otherhand it is a curse-ed machine, since the feeling of "almost" is nearly worse than not being there at all. sigh...here is the link - ::SLO arch reunion feb 2004:: - and here is the note -

Hello all.
This past weekend I was reminded how much I enjoy the company of friends.
So I thought I'd drop a line and share.

A little reunion was had in SLO.
Much fun.
Many laughs.
Plentiful hugs.
And even a few open-hearted discussions on life & love.

Mac put up some of the photos on her webpage.
Here's the link.

I hope you view them and know that you were well-missed and where in our thoughts.