
wow...how this past weekend just disappeared into thin air. but anyhow, the news was competition was turned in, and within the hour we had discovered the lucky news that we had won and were now going to have to go represent vt at the national building museum in another all day charrette! not sure if the incentive to spend all day on a holiday working and designing was the most appealing aspect to win the first competition but whatever. with the small hierarchy at school, it is not a bad thing. anyhow, so we spent all day yesterday at the building museum meeting new people and designing. my energy is getting spent putting all this effort into being sociable, and whatever is left over must be used for the evening design hours. so from 9 till 5, laymen onlookers and children overlooked our shoulders as we sketched and spewed forth ideas thru our hands onto paper. it was interesting and fun, but extremely hard to get motivated to spend 7 till 10 in class...then another midnite shift of design and collage. it is actually not so bad, after having worked for the last 3 years, i feel my time management is much better than when i was say in my third year of school. but we all have to go thru the worst to learn that that is the point of furthest extreme and to never push it that far again, right?

on other notes, erik so-lame came to visit and we had a blast. it's nice to see him after 4 years and to know that friends forever will always be friends forever. it is wonderful how 4 years of separation between friends is meaningless and really no obstacle to conversation or joking. thank you for coming to visit. it was a breath of freshness that i need every now and then to help me remember that there is some constancy in friendship in this temporal world we live in. the great test really is how does such constancy last without ever having to really try. ok, i'm putting off my pHD paper, gotta go.