
buzz buzz buzz...

annoying, stupid, buzzing, lazy fly....flying round and round my room...trying to concentrate and read...but it won't leave me be...ugh...tried to kill it (the bug-murderer that i am) but it won't die...i wonder sometimes if i would fight so hard to live just to be able to enjoy my flitting about...i came across this link just the other day but didn't have a moment to read and peruse it till now---10 Things To Do Before You Die---it is not your typical list...a much more romantic view of what life should be about...and because of that i like it...i recall thumbing through one of my old journals, as i do from time to time, and found my own personal list of things to do before i die i think written as a senior in high school...

(scrounging quickly to see if she can find it) no luck...i always leave those little notes in their hidden places so i can stumble upon them again an be surprised...

anyhoo...wouldn't it be nice to make your own romanticized list of things to accomplish before life expires? first thing to put on my list...hmmm ...not so easy...will have to think about it more...oh, i've got one--->

*come up with a weekly routine to relax my mind in order that i may sleep more easily (not related to writing in the blog or lavender pillows, more like a drawing or creation of a card made while breathing in the scent of a candle*...guess that is not something so life changing, but it is definitely on my mind as i wonder why i have such a difficult time dragging myself to bed even as the clock now quickly approaches 2am...