
today i am missing...

i've been napping a lot these past few days. not sure if i am just overwhelmed with the living in a new place, completely removed from my friends...i guess it really hit me yesterday that i wouldn't be moving on to the next city anytime soon. a little strange to all of a sudden come to a screeching halt in my summer of travels and be thrown suddenly into the university, must be studious atmosphere again.

everything is working out more perfectly than i could have possibly imagined though, nothing to complain about:
-apg is my professor...a big woohoo!
-i am basically a master's of history&theoryofarch geek (which i've dreamed of for some time now)
-my house really feels like a home
-i'm surrounded by so much colour and vibrancy everywhere i go
-i can still use my cell phone with the same number so i don't feel completely out of touch, which if you know what my phone looks like is kind of miraculous---hehe
-yesterday i was in the rare books library, freezing my arse off, but looking at illustrated manuscripts written and drawn on animal skin parchment from the year 1400...amaaaazing!
-i am making friends, slowly but surely...i seem to be a little more selective than my classmate counterparts, but meeting new people for me is a very effort-ful, draining process...can only do so many days in a row of go, go, go before a few days of major jenn-time is a necessity (that was yesterday...quiet, peaceful, wandering on my own)

as for today, i met a fellow nantucketer visitng montreal from toronto at a place called "santropol" on the corner of st. urbain & duluth (for future reference)...we brunched in the back terrace that reminded me so of my beloved linnaea's...must take you there if you come to visit...anyhow, after sipping camomile the and nibbling at my salmon/dill sandwhich (oh-so-yummy), we sauntered over to the CCA where there was a room full of lego/super city/tinkertoy creations by writer/author douglas coupland...more flashbacks to my childhood.

nearly time to leave the empty espresso cup behind...this city has been bad for my caffeine addiction. they should start selling espresso and coffee in the same packets that the cigarettes are sold (you know, the ones that have rotting teeth, black brains, melting lungs, and profound pictures of male impotence)...i think the rest of the evening poses some time for playing with paint/india ink/canvas and maybe some reading time...tried to watch my new movie purchase "baraka" but was so relaxed and calmed by it that i fell asleep...