
"being & nothingness" by sartre

"The lemon is extended throughout its qualities, and each of its qualities is extended throughout each of the others. It is the sourness of the lemon which is yellow, it is the yellow of the lemon which is sour. We eat the color of a cake, and the taste of this cake, and the taste of this cake is the instrument which reveals its shape and its color to what may be called the alimentary intuition...The fluidity, the tepidity, the bluish color, the undulating restlessness of the water in a pool are given at one stroke, each quality though the others."

i wonder what this says about our relations to one another. i know for myself and the majority of my friends, we communicate only via this machine that is under my fingers. does this mean that my abilities to extend my "full" self are limited? to use satre's example --- i cannot eat the color of my friends, nor taste my friends. i am not a cannibal, but there are important notions to remember when we realize the limitations of our own boundaries...hmmm (thinking, thinking, of a small little project for this weekend that can connect us all together...heehee...i think i've got it.)

oh yeah, btw, it's also supposed to be canadian thanksgiving...i don't get it. it's not thursday, and i don't think it has a thing to do with pilgrims. hmmm...weird. anyhow, i'm working so that means no turkey for me.