he's dancing to le tigre's "let's run"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by [ j e n n ] at 1:51 AM
if he says,
"do you want these boxers that i hate?"
what do you say????
"of course i want them dear...."
posted by [ j e n n ] at 1:47 AM
i wanna go...anyone wanna be my date?
Washington, DC - avalon theatre
wednesday, june 28th @ 8:00 PM
print B&W flier | directions | Who is attending
trailer | Video Podcast
posted by [ j e n n ] at 1:33 PM
aw man..why you gotta tease me like that?
so i didn't take this picture...but it is what awaited me on my firefox browser when i went to check the daily news happenings...above this cute little green monster were the words "montreal festival city"...ack! with the following link to this article talking about all the splendors of montreal...double ack!
i mean c'mon! this is torture! i KNOOOOOW montreal is wonderful already...one slight problem...i'm not there!
posted by [ j e n n ] at 9:36 AM
congratulation flashbacks
warning: ok...so this posting is mainly because i want to celebrate with my favourite montreal girls tonite....they've worked so hard and i know must be completely exhausted but there is always room for a little shaky-shaky! i miss you guys...wish i were there so we could fall off stages together and jump out of cabs because we are about to puke...to walk home with each other and laugh at such high pitches that it is just plain annoying! congratulations, my dears! i'm so very proud of you!
anyhow, this is for you my dear gul, isabelle, and liz. i miss you all so very very much...be patient in the very beginning since the screen will be black and playing music from that night. i think we were on the stage at that point...not yet falling off it!
this video has been removed to protect the character of those involved.
posted by [ j e n n ] at 12:39 AM
so happy togetheeeeeeeeeeeeeeer...la la la la lalalala la la la tralala laaaaaaaaaaaa
posted by [ j e n n ] at 12:39 AM