
sounds for the day

everything the blow . . . albums: "everyday examples of humans facing straight into the blow", "poor aims: love songs", "bonus album", & "the concussive caress, or, casey caught her mom singing along with the vacuum"...i love the titles...but more importantly i love this blog entry from khaela maricich [a careful reminder that some days things just don't work and it will be bad no matter what...basically just keep going, smile, tomorrow will be better]

favourites, well, the whole "poor aims" album for sure. but then "come on petunia", "nothing", "our holes are dug", "a night full of eyes", "what the guitar said about the firmament", "gravity", "the democracy of small things", & "where i love you" BUT all the in between fragments that are like only 20/30 second clips are little jewels in and of themselves...anyhow...maybe it is time to read till the dawn falls upon me.