
my response to the old man -

From: jenn ludwig
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 2:47PM
To: lawnmoyer@hotmail.com

funny but i was just thinking of you. i was thinking of this impending christmas vacation that is near approaching and how i would spend my time. i thought it would be nice to see those faces for once that i have been neglecting for so long. i am trying to relearn how to stretch my wings and regain the freedom of mind that one tends to lose when relying on someone else for so long. i spent the thanksgiving holidays with giuliana at her potluck feast, and stayed with an old friend and walked the city streets with him. it was beautiful to see the streets of new york transformed instantaneously over night. the day after thanksgiving the christmas season appeared in one blast. the trees and decorations magically grew out of the ground and the window displays constructed mechanical trains and scenes of winter bliss in the blink of the eye. i refused to take pictures of this trip merely for the fact that i wanted to remember it for the "blurred memories" that always seem 10 times better than a picture. i am glad that you wrote me of your bird flocking girl. it reminds me a lot of me these past couple years, trying so hard to make the birds fly around me. when i just need to realize that the birds are already used to me, and i need to find a new source of entertainment. thank you for reminding me of this.

on another note, i was in california for a pre-thanksgiving wedding. i have pictures on my site. i felt like a princess, getting all dressed up like a doll. have a wonderful day, my very dear friend.
