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i saw this on my morning walk to school today...the first snow of montreal was falling, officially signaling the end of autumn. and i thought to myself that it is nearly the end of another year...the year 2005 in fact. since 2000, what have you done? really, it is a good question, in the last five years, where were you? where have you gone (not just physically but mentally/emotionally/spiritually/all of the above)? did you fall in love? did you fall out of love? how many times each? did you dream? did those dreams come true? there is so much more tied to this question that i feel as a burning sensation within me...i guess this is a good sign, to know that in the last five years i still feel burning sensations...in fact, i can say for the first time in the last five years, perhaps, i feel it more than ever. and for this, i am very happy.