excerpted reading material to chew on entitled "Disguise and display: recent publications detail a long-neglected aspect of Marcel Duchamp's seminal oeuvre—installation design as a work of art - Duchampiana I - analysis - Critical Essay" an article in Art in America by Sheldon Nodelman from March 2003:
"More fundamentally...lies in the intrinsically problematic nature of artistic biography itself. Which is primary, the 'work' or the 'life'? Does one explain the other? And where is the boundary between them? These are questions that Duchamp's example poses in a more acute--and surely more self-conscious--form than almost any other. Defining the artist as a 'mediumistic being' necessarily unconscious of the meaning of what he produces, Duchamp quoted approvingly the words of T.S. Eliot: 'The more perfect the artist, the more completely separate in him will be the man who suffers and the mind which creates.'"