
"Meandering the straight line..." O. Pessoa?? Can you recall -- a day in barnes&noble, becoming or attempting a moment to be inspired, but now I wonder if I applied the motto to a period of my life inescapably falling into now living by the motto...no longer do I desire to meander or wander--or do I? when will I start to run? When will I start acting like I am racing towards the finish line in a marathon I began even as a small bobbed-hair child? Questions, questions, questions, but never any answers...Never ever are there answers. Never is there inspiration so great as to move me, as to be my nike-shoe. Where are my winged feet? (to be specifically pronounced wind-ed).

A sigh...(riding the metro from a late work night) I am sitting at the front of the first metro car, we are rounding a bend and I can see light after light after light after light after light, when will this curve end. & finally the curve straightens & there beyond in the dark, a single light shines in the red-line tunnel...

Perhaps I shall be moved to run this race still.