

The cosmos is the place constructed beforehad so that things can happen. The terrain is the site of the cosmos and the cosmos is the site of the architecture. The setting is the site of the cosmos and the cosmos is the site of the action. It is then necessary to survey, measure, photograph, mark contours, visualize, render, model and then intervene, change scale, distort, transgress and create another world of the site in order to finally turn it into a cosmos. Your cosmos: particles that surround concentrically the vision of an author. An author sees absolutely everything in a unique way.*

rules/notes to self (list to be continually expanded):
produce an architecture of the senses
draw synaesthetically

*Manuel Gasua, Vicente Guallart, Willy Muller, Federico Soriano, Fernando Porras, Jose Morales, Susanna Cros, The Metapolis Dictionay of Advanced Architecture: city, technology, and society in the information age (Barcelona, Spain: ACTAR 2003), 134.