
sigh...oh how blessed am i

another wonderous top floor balcony view...this time from tilburg in the netherlands. how wonderful it is to feel so comfortable and at home, even with a friend whom i haven't seen in four years. i never imagined the netherlands to be so flat, to be so quiet and green. today svet took me on a bicycle tour, once again i was slightly fighting my height impairment with the bike, but managed just fine after awhile...we sat in a town square under umbrellas drinking cokes, with ice might i add...and shared our sketchbooks...conversations so open and so honest, about feelings and relationships, of parents and upbringing...how refreshing to be in a place where you can say anything and not feel as though you will be repraoched for your opinion, but rather how a nice discussion will flower and bloom from it. ok...i think i will go and help with dinner preparations now...just thought i would escape for a short bit while svet and gustan discussed living room furniture arrangements...hehe...too funny...