
my ten favourite things to do: (not in any particular order of preference)

*sit for hours on the beach (not just any beach, but my beach)...especially at sunset hours and late into the dark of night, feet buried in the sand and wind in my ears, the light, salty mist upon my face...all the while watching, hearing the waves come and go...come and go
*feeling the warmth of sleeping next to one i care for at night...the moment when you wake up and realize you are not alone, so you snuggle closer holding onto the warmth in case it might disappear
*falling deeply into the world of my sketchbook
*watching leaves change their colors and fall gracefully to the ground...and then frolicking in the fallen-ness
*laying on green grassy fields, allowing myself to become like a cat in the sun as my mind and body slip out of consciousness and into sleep
*sipping on hazelnut soy lattes with dark chocolate in one hand and my eyes fixed intently upon the pages of a good book in the other
*travelling and wandering new places with the eyes of a newborn (this is usually made many times better if there is someone with similar eyes standing alongside and roaming with me)
*smelling the cheeks of my mother
*(thinking, thinking, thinking...ok...so this last thing has yet to be determined...i'll let you know when it comes to mind)