
teardrops for technology

ok...so no i haven't died or fallen ill of some terminal illness. (thinking) well, on second thought, this could be just as bad. last week i spilled a wonderful jasmine green tea all over the keys of my latop. yes---yikes!!! my heart stops even now as i think of the horrible crime i committed. anyhow, the laptop was resurrected for a few brief moments, but now i think it has finally decided to die solemnly...sigh...so, until i can rectify the problem, it appears that i am bound to spend my afternoons wandering and reading under the wonderful golden leaves in the parc. quelle horreur!! please send your condolences for my beloved "buttercup" to my address here in canada...the memorial service will be held monday, october 23 at the moment when i ship it off to that magical place in the sky "toshiba-fix-it-land"...