
Wise words from a person has 3 dates tonight [lol]:

"Purple. Well let's weigh the potential reasoning for my interpretation. Common sense tells us that purple is associated with depression. For one to be depressed stems from one simple seed, and that is the what one lacks within their offspring. When one is depressed, they seek comfort and attention. It is said to be the ultimate stress reliever of all; intimacy. The willingness to express, receive, release, accept and feel connected at that particular moment. Just a form of detaching oneself from realities of unhappiness. If you need further credibility on my reasoning, peep out the following site. It's been some time that I don't exactly recall where I came across such association with the color purple. But whatever. My color is black 24/7."

colour & you!

Could this explanation for violet be anymore Florence Jennifer? Scariness.