
songlist to keep my day happy--->
:: retour a vega - the stills
:: are you threatening me? - hagans
:: a fabula - lemongrass
:: butterflies & hurricanes - muse
:: it could be sweet - portishead
:: california - phantom planet
:: gleaming auction - snow patrol
:: your lucky day in hell - eels
:: fade into you - mazzy star
:: ocean breathes salty - modest mouse
:: recreation - lemongrass
:: glory box - portishead

so excited about my secret find for the day! a free trial subscription to the montreal based magazine [ maisonneuve :: eclectic curiosity ]-- yeah! suppose i am getting excited about the montreal music scene and the knowledge in just a few months i will be partaking of it. anyhow, i was intrigued by the letter as it was filled with so many compliments within the first few sentences--heh heh--it begins as such:

Dear Friends,

Maisonneuve is growing in an absurdly rapid manner and we’d like you to grow with us (metaphorically).

In case you don’t know, Maisonneuve Magazine is a Montreal-based general-interest glossy aimed at the clever, curious and unashamedly literate. By general-interest we mean that we are, in fact, interested in everything. We print reviews of the newest books, essays on politics and culture, and features that bring you the latest on life, love, God and Guy Maddin. Within just the last few issues you’ll find Bernard-Henri Lévy’s reconstruction of the killing of Daniel Pearl, Keith Hollihan's revealing inside look at Trump's Apprentice, Maude Arsenault’s hot fall fashion fold-out and Matthew Fox's hilarious interview with Margaret Atwood. This, we feel, is all very exciting stuff.

We’ve published some of these articles, in hopelessly inadequate HTML, on the website you're looking at now. Please click around. Enjoy the stylish prose, admire the breathtaking visuals and ask yourself: “Will the complete paper version of this magazine make me happy? Will it make me a better person? Will reading a copy of Maisonneuve while drinking a gin and tonic make me look ‘urbane’?”

We’re confident that it will.

organized a field trip into dc to [ utrect ] this afternoon...ugh-thinking about the trip on the metro will be nice but sometimes i wish i had a car...okay, it's shower and wake up time now...my mind is much more clear than yesterday...today is going to be a good day, i am convinced.