
listening to "ratatat" by ratatat

breathe in, breathe out. how many times must i remind myself of this the last days. i have a tendency not to write when i have too much on my mind, or too much going on around me. it seems the days that i am over-abundantly happy, writing comes easy and without effort. i feel that it is becoming more and more necessary for me to purge the anxiety inside of me in order for me to maintain sanity.

i was showered yesterday with wonderful gifts of joy and stripes! striped ribbons, striped stockings, orange colours and promises of poutine, listening alberto amusements and new york notes of black and white. sigh...and another reminder of that old saying, "birds of the same feather, flock together..." this all puts a smile on my tired self.

i haven't been working as hard as i would like. i seem to be hitting one of those major stumbling blocks that might as well be as big as the hoover dam for all i know. i need to build a site model to a scale in which i can work...need to go to the actual site tomorrow morning so i can feel the scale...i am struggling with this. sigh...i've never had to deal with a site of monumental proportion. for some reason, i feel my intervention is of such minute insignificance when i place it on the whole...

i've been questioned about the transporatability and questioned how much i want to deal with the engineering mechanics of the project. ugh.

frustrating...things seem to be progressing much slower than i thought they would 3 months, even 1 month ago. i've even officially given up my weekends out.


maybe i'm just in a bad mood because the sun disappeared again today. yesterday was amazing and i relished the sun on my face during the walk to school. today the sun hid behind it's blanket of grey. i too felt like crawling back behind that blanket...at least i would have the sun next to me to keep me warm.