
the need to buy list...

-purple electrical tape (for kaleidoscope books)
-green electrical tape (to finish the tape drawing...who would've thought the mall was 1.1 miles too long)
-one sheet plexiglass 12"x24" (to replace the one aatif says he'll replace but probably won't)
-one new moleskine sketchbook (almost time to retire this one and put it out of its misery)
-fresnel lens (one or more??? think about it.)
-mirrors (size? shape? how many? too many unknowns)
-peepholes (ebay bidding war has commenced)
-paper (my special secret stock of watercolour off-yellow paper, which was free last year, is all gone this year...thanks to SOMEONE else spilling my secret to the entire world!...)
-chipboard...(future planning that i will need it anyhow)
-one workforce willing to do slave labor for free and can magically draw beautifully...oh wait...you can't buy these off the shelf...guess it's up to me then...crap.