
coffee break #1005

just back from the last coffee run of the night before everything closes...back at my desk now, realizing how unproductive i've been all day...up till 7, slept till 2, talked, then ate, then ate some more...next thing i know here it is 11pm and not a single line has been drawn. but then again i realize i do that...have periods of gestation, where my brain is just working internally and there is nothing happening externally. after the gestation time is done, i can work for hours uninterrupted.

(15 minutes later) enamored with the love my coffee cup is showing me...forgot to get one of those coffee jackets this time and so the writing on the cup is revealed to me...it says-

the way i see it #30--the secret attraction is to love yourself. attractive people judge nether themselves nor others. they are open to gestures of love. they think about love, and express their love in every action. they know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe. --deepak chopra (author of "the spontaneous fulfillment of desire and other spiritual gestures)

and in smaller fine print

this is the author's opinion, not necessarily that of starbucks. to read more or respond, go to www.starbucks.com/wayiseeit

anyhow...it put a smile on my face...